Monday, March 3, 2008

The Highlands (Andes)

The Highlands (Andes) are extended on long the many countries in South America, from Chile and Argentina; go through Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia until Venezuela. The mountain tallest in the Highlands is The Aconcagua (Ecuador), with 6.959 meters over level sea.

The highlands are characterized for volcanos, in different condition: actives, quiets and extincts. Now the more important volcano’s active is in Ecuador: Cotopaxi, Pichincha, Aconcagua and Tungurahua and in Colombia Nevado of the Ruiz. The Towns near the volcanos are in constants practice of evacuation the people, actualization, application and divulgation the emergency plan.

In my review and travels for the Andes, I like many places, beautiful scenarios, histories epic and magic, but the peoples represent the most important value. The ancestral culture is invaluable, for example: the Incas and Machu Pichu is bests, is the mountain the mountain.

The biodiversity in these areas is invaluable too, endemics birds (Condor) and mammals (Andean Bear), are part the extend list the species, but my favorite is the Guianan Cock of the rock, beautiful and rare bird.

To be continued….... Amazons Rivers.

1 comment:

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

I believe you like very much your profession, because you love to speak about the environment