Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Natural Areas in Categories of Protection.

I worked many years in management of Natural Areas (N.A) under protection in Venezuela. I liked this work, but in developing countries is more difficult this activity, because others situations are most important by the government and the resources assigning is less. Organizations of the United Nations (U.N.) development programs help in this countries and preserver ecosystem of the interesting world.

U.N. defined many categories of the protection in natural areas. The most important categories are The Biosphere Research, these areas generally are located in many countries, because the bigger ecosystem are extending in long areas, but National Parks (N.P.) is the most common categories in South, Central and North America, and many areas are denominated N.P. and it is different of the metropolitan and urban parks, the principal goal of the first is only preservation and conservation of the natural resources and in the second is used of the area in activities educational and recreational.

Each country has important N.A. In Venezuela the better is La Gran Sabana and represent the older formation geological in the world and the principal characteristic is the rainforest and the bigger fall.

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