Sunday, February 10, 2008


The ecotourism is one of the more interesting activities or hobbies, made in the Natural Areas, for their character educational, scenically beautiful and divulgation. South America is perfect for the ecotourism, the diversity of landscapes and cultures make ideal. Four types of ecosystems represent one natural rich uncountable, these are: coasts than of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, The Highlands (Andes), Amazons Rivers and the Patagonia.

In the estuaries and wetlands marine -coastal the oceans Pacific and Atlantic haven associate ecosystems of chorales or mangroves, in two cases, are compliance an wonderful function for the primary productivity of energy, whit the referents are in the mangroves coasts, the habitat quality particularity by the availability food for the fish, crustaceous, seafood and another species, permitting to the egg-laying and growth of the species of commercial interest, which migrate flow an another water bodies, distributing themselves in the in all the River basin and permitting re- population and the availability of specimens of the fishing commercial, artisan and sport. These sites also are fundamental to provide food to the coaster and freshwater birds, in particular by the migratory, they arrive at the South America between the months October and April, when the climate conditions are not favorable in the North Hemisphere. During this period it is possible to find a greater amount of species which increases the attractiveness of these areas for the birdwatchers and the researches, who follow the routes and behavior of the migratory species.

To be continued….... The Highlands (Andes).

1 comment:

Marcy said...

It is good to read about something you are interested in and I even learned something. Remember, the writing needs to be all in your words.