Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Paradise of the Flamingos in the Caribbean Sea.

Flamingos o Togogos are common named with the big rubber and aquatic birds. The scientific name is Phoenicopterus ruber ruber, and now the best place in Caribbean Sea is the Wetland Olivitos. This area is located in Northeast of the Maracaibo Lake in Zulia Estate, Venezuela and is a beautiful natural paradise under national and international protection.

Olivitos area is where fresh waters go in to sea and the mix water (salt and fresh) form one extend are named wetland, ideal place by foot and reproduction of the species the birds and fishes. Foot availability is the more attractive condition of the sensitive population of the flamingos, because permitted sustainability population.

The Caribbean flamingos are moving in many places in the Caribbean coast, the more important are: Bonaire, Aruba, Venezuela, Colombia, and Peninsula of Yucatan.

I worked with the population of flamingos in Olivitos by four years, but only in monitoring and following with the behave, because this is indicative of change in the population, for example if the individual has a neck extending and see only sky is behave of couple and the next building nest with mud. The investigator o management of this area need constantly see the population by the planning the word.

1 comment:

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

Flamingos are beautiful birds. I have seen them in Venezuela and at the Zoo.