Monday, March 10, 2008

Amazon Rivers

The Amazon River is the most important body water in South America and received influence the many rivers (tributaries) of different countries (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela y Brazil), and finally go in to Atlantic Ocean. This river is the second most large in the word, approximately 6387 Km., but comparative with the Nilo, river most large of the word, the Amazon system is more complex and represent the different habitat and ecosystem denominated Amazonia, one the environment the big biodiversity in the word and patrimony of the humanity.

The Amazon River is the research the natural resources, and continually investigators the different universities and institutions, development project for discovery and register data basic for generation the new knowledge about function the natural system, species, rainforest, indigenous peoples, archeology and others, but the major problem the Amazon River is deforestations the river tributaries and the continued extraction of the recourses as consequence the poor communities and extractives companies. Existing the possibility the less the resources and never know what existed.

If you want know the Amazon River existing many options in the different countries. The experience in invaluable and the expeditions represent one contact with the diversity the environments unique in the world.

To be continued….... Patagonia.

1 comment:

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

Wow Margarita, I have heard about the river and what it represents to the biodiversity!