Sunday, March 30, 2008

Argentine Northwest: Humahuaca and the Calchaquies Valleys

Between 1997 and January 2007 I had many travels by the Argentina northwest, in all occasion by worked, and in each travel took references about places, costumes, national parks, and others interesting activities. In April 2007 I and others friends took once trip around of the Calchaquies Valleys and in special Humahuaca, during 9 days cross this area.
The trip started in Tucuman on Saturday and continued to Valley of Tafi, where practices cross riding in the mountains. Monday afternoon following the trip to Cafayate and visited once the wine cellars of important mark and colonial town. Next day continued knew this place, and arrived to ruins Quilmes, antique indigenous tribe. Wednesday in the morning the trip continued through many valleys: Quebrada of Alemania, obelisk natural, and gorge devil, and continued into in Quebrada of Humahuaca.

The Quebrada of Humahuaca is the largest route during past 10,000 years, is considered “the camino Inca” and establishes communications between High Andean countries this place reflects the way strategic position and represented culture and organizations in the Highlands. In 2003 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (U.N.E.S.C.O.) adhered this place as World Heritage Site. In the Quebrada of Humahuca was wonderful see “Cerro of the seven colours”, the small towns of Tilcara and Humahuaca.

The city of eternal spring: “Trujillo”

Trujillo is the capital of the La Libertad, region in Peru, located near to the Pacific Ocean and was once the first city fecundated by Spanish conquerors in America. Trujillo is named “The city of eternal spring”, because all time it is sunniest and the temperature is about 22 °C. In early October is celebrated “The international spring festival”.

In my trip by Trujillo in 2006 visited many historical places around of Trujillo and Huanchaco beach, was really magic see in the cost: the “Totora horses” (legendary boat of the ancestral civilizations).

Moche and Chimu civilization were represented by old palaces and city, actually in studies by archaeologies and foundation. The most fantastic ruins of the Chimu were in my opinion Chan-chan. It is the world’s large city built of adobe and in this wall was recorder the activities Chimu. I like the representation the activities of fishing. In 1986 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (U.N.E.S.C.O.) adhered this place as World Heritage Site.

Other wonderful places are represented by Moche civilizations, this ruins are Huacas of the sunny, of the moon and the witch. These places have many floors and now the archaeologies are studying each floor and describing different items. Only parts of the Huacas are open of public exhibitions. I was fascinated by the civilization Moche and Chimu.

Buenos Aires and “The Bombonera”

I love really sport competitions in special Soccer. In Venezuela my brothers playing amateurs soccer and all time following through of TV, different league around the world. In my childhood learns about of soccer and is a once my favourites hobbies. In Europe I like many teams, but Juventus of Turin is the dreams team. In South America my favourite is Boca Juniors; this team is passions and represented part of the Argentina culture, is reference around the world the high competitions, good soccer and big champions.

In 1997 during my first travel in Argentina, Knew “The Bombonera”, stadium of Boca Junior, was once the happiest day in my life. Was very difficult bought once ticket, because the Argentine league had a lot of fanatics, in special Boca, going to Stadium is a family traditions, is common see Grandfathers, fathers and sons or complete family with t-shirts and publish about Boca. In each hotel and tourism agency present Argentine league as once attractive in Buenos Aires. Is great an option.

Tungurahua: “Life near to volcano”

I knew Ecuador in April 2003, during 14 days; I worked in Quito and the oilfield Bermejo. In my free time took two tours: first “Middle of the World City" the most important sightseeing near to Quito, really interesting, and second: Baños and Tungurahua trip.

The volcano activity in Ecuador is part of the life of the many peoples, knew the system of volcanoes was fascinated, 10 volcanoes are located in Ecuador and Tungurahua is active and once the most dangerous by eruptions unpredictable and consequences specialty over small town of Baños.

People in Baños know the risk and the government establish Emergency Plan and constantly realized simulations of evacuation of peoples and emergency support, all peoples in the town life in function of the volcano activities. Culture, painting, tourism, trip during the day and night are in reference of Tungurahua and are ancestral situations. The volcano restarted in eruption in 1999 and in 2008 continued ongoing.

Baños have too others extractives: beautiful and small fall around of the town, zoo whit species of the highlands. I like this trip, was wonderful experience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Paradise of the Flamingos in the Caribbean Sea.

Flamingos o Togogos are common named with the big rubber and aquatic birds. The scientific name is Phoenicopterus ruber ruber, and now the best place in Caribbean Sea is the Wetland Olivitos. This area is located in Northeast of the Maracaibo Lake in Zulia Estate, Venezuela and is a beautiful natural paradise under national and international protection.

Olivitos area is where fresh waters go in to sea and the mix water (salt and fresh) form one extend are named wetland, ideal place by foot and reproduction of the species the birds and fishes. Foot availability is the more attractive condition of the sensitive population of the flamingos, because permitted sustainability population.

The Caribbean flamingos are moving in many places in the Caribbean coast, the more important are: Bonaire, Aruba, Venezuela, Colombia, and Peninsula of Yucatan.

I worked with the population of flamingos in Olivitos by four years, but only in monitoring and following with the behave, because this is indicative of change in the population, for example if the individual has a neck extending and see only sky is behave of couple and the next building nest with mud. The investigator o management of this area need constantly see the population by the planning the word.

Natural Areas in Categories of Protection.

I worked many years in management of Natural Areas (N.A) under protection in Venezuela. I liked this work, but in developing countries is more difficult this activity, because others situations are most important by the government and the resources assigning is less. Organizations of the United Nations (U.N.) development programs help in this countries and preserver ecosystem of the interesting world.

U.N. defined many categories of the protection in natural areas. The most important categories are The Biosphere Research, these areas generally are located in many countries, because the bigger ecosystem are extending in long areas, but National Parks (N.P.) is the most common categories in South, Central and North America, and many areas are denominated N.P. and it is different of the metropolitan and urban parks, the principal goal of the first is only preservation and conservation of the natural resources and in the second is used of the area in activities educational and recreational.

Each country has important N.A. In Venezuela the better is La Gran Sabana and represent the older formation geological in the world and the principal characteristic is the rainforest and the bigger fall.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Patagonia is a portion the land in Argentina and Chile. The characteristic more important is the steppe (semi-deserted area with predominance of the grass, dependent with season, altitude and clime). This area was named Patagonia; because Magellan named Patagonians a native people. In this area excited ancestral cultures: Tehuelches and Aonikenk.

The Patagonia Argentina is extended in four areas: Neuquén, Rio Negro, Chubut and Santa Cruz. The Patagonia Chilean is extended in five areas: Palena, Aisen Magellan, Antarctica Chilean and Tierra del Fuego. In these territories have beautiful Lakes and Glaciers.

In 1997, I’ am knew The Patagonia and in this opportunity visited The Chubut Province, in specific Comodoro Rivadavia and Valdes Peninsula. In my trip knew others habitat and animals species. The mores impacted species whit me was: Penguins, Sea Elephants, Magellan Wales and Sea Wolf, because in this time I only knew big, sea mammals and bird whit the Caribbean.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Amazon Rivers

The Amazon River is the most important body water in South America and received influence the many rivers (tributaries) of different countries (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela y Brazil), and finally go in to Atlantic Ocean. This river is the second most large in the word, approximately 6387 Km., but comparative with the Nilo, river most large of the word, the Amazon system is more complex and represent the different habitat and ecosystem denominated Amazonia, one the environment the big biodiversity in the word and patrimony of the humanity.

The Amazon River is the research the natural resources, and continually investigators the different universities and institutions, development project for discovery and register data basic for generation the new knowledge about function the natural system, species, rainforest, indigenous peoples, archeology and others, but the major problem the Amazon River is deforestations the river tributaries and the continued extraction of the recourses as consequence the poor communities and extractives companies. Existing the possibility the less the resources and never know what existed.

If you want know the Amazon River existing many options in the different countries. The experience in invaluable and the expeditions represent one contact with the diversity the environments unique in the world.

To be continued….... Patagonia.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Highlands (Andes)

The Highlands (Andes) are extended on long the many countries in South America, from Chile and Argentina; go through Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia until Venezuela. The mountain tallest in the Highlands is The Aconcagua (Ecuador), with 6.959 meters over level sea.

The highlands are characterized for volcanos, in different condition: actives, quiets and extincts. Now the more important volcano’s active is in Ecuador: Cotopaxi, Pichincha, Aconcagua and Tungurahua and in Colombia Nevado of the Ruiz. The Towns near the volcanos are in constants practice of evacuation the people, actualization, application and divulgation the emergency plan.

In my review and travels for the Andes, I like many places, beautiful scenarios, histories epic and magic, but the peoples represent the most important value. The ancestral culture is invaluable, for example: the Incas and Machu Pichu is bests, is the mountain the mountain.

The biodiversity in these areas is invaluable too, endemics birds (Condor) and mammals (Andean Bear), are part the extend list the species, but my favorite is the Guianan Cock of the rock, beautiful and rare bird.

To be continued….... Amazons Rivers.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


The ecotourism is one of the more interesting activities or hobbies, made in the Natural Areas, for their character educational, scenically beautiful and divulgation. South America is perfect for the ecotourism, the diversity of landscapes and cultures make ideal. Four types of ecosystems represent one natural rich uncountable, these are: coasts than of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, The Highlands (Andes), Amazons Rivers and the Patagonia.

In the estuaries and wetlands marine -coastal the oceans Pacific and Atlantic haven associate ecosystems of chorales or mangroves, in two cases, are compliance an wonderful function for the primary productivity of energy, whit the referents are in the mangroves coasts, the habitat quality particularity by the availability food for the fish, crustaceous, seafood and another species, permitting to the egg-laying and growth of the species of commercial interest, which migrate flow an another water bodies, distributing themselves in the in all the River basin and permitting re- population and the availability of specimens of the fishing commercial, artisan and sport. These sites also are fundamental to provide food to the coaster and freshwater birds, in particular by the migratory, they arrive at the South America between the months October and April, when the climate conditions are not favorable in the North Hemisphere. During this period it is possible to find a greater amount of species which increases the attractiveness of these areas for the birdwatchers and the researches, who follow the routes and behavior of the migratory species.

To be continued….... The Highlands (Andes).